Natural science education, summer camps, hiking, snowshoe tours and things to do in the Eagle River Valley and Vail, Colorado.

Science Behind Lotions and Balms

Written by Walking Mountains Science Center | Oct 29, 2015 3:00:02 PM

Have you ever wondered how something works or how something was made? In the monthly Science Behind series, we partner with a guest presenter to explore a large variety of interesting topics. The Science Behind series offers opportunities for adults to apply new knowledge and skills to everyday life, while having fun! 

** This Science Behind event took place in November, 2016 **


The Science Behind Lotions, Balms & Cosmetics 

We use things like lotion, lip balm and soap on our skin every day, but these household products don’t just sit on top of our skin. Body care products can be easily absorbed into our bodies through our skin, by being inhaled, and from being licked off of our lips, making it important to know that the products we use are safe for our bodies.

While the European Union has banned more than 1,000 ingredients from being used in cosmetics, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has only banned about ten. The FDA doesn’t review or approve the vast majority of personal care products sold in the United States, leaving consumers to figure out for themselves which products have known or potential carcinogens, hormone disruptors, or neurological toxins. A simple and fun way to make sure you know what’s going into your body is to make your own body care products.

Just in time for the holidays, our presenter Kristen Blizzard will teach you how to make simple, nontoxic balms and lotions that would make perfect homemade gifts. Or, simply find out how easy it is to make inexpensive, customized body products for you and your family!

After discovering the amazing smells and textures of handmade products from boutique chain, Lush, Kristen Blizzard quickly developed an interest in learning to craft similar concoctions. She has been perfecting the art of home-crafted balms, lotion and massage bars for several years in her own kitchen. Blizzard loves to experiment with new recipes and essential oil combinations and is interested in the overall health benefits of utilizing natural ingredients for the body and in the home. Her motto? There’s a replacement product for almost anything – Google it and have fun trying something new.

Participants will be able to take home an assortment of lotion bars, lip balms, and DIY recipes. The Science Behind Series for adults at Walking Mountains Science Center highlights useful and fun skills that have underlying scientific principles.  Each class provides a hands-on, interactive component with instruction from a local subject matter expert.  Classes are held once a month at Walking Mountains Science Center in Avon.



What: The Science Behind Lotions & Balms
When: Wednesday, November 11, 2015 | 6:30-8:30 pm
Where: Walking Mountains Science Center in Avon
How much: $15 includes supplies and take-homes. 

The Science Behind Series is made possible by Vail Honeywagon Enterprises, Inc.