Walking Mountains Sustainability Blog

Fall into Sustainability

Written by Elizabeth Baer | Oct 9, 2023 5:16:15 PM

The aspens are yellow, the first dustings of snow are on the mountains, and only the truly brave are still wearing Chacos… all glorious signs that fall has arrived in the mountains! While we rediscover our favorite sweater and everything pumpkin spice, there are also many ways to make this the season of sustainability. Follow these tips to celebrate the season and protect the earth.

Embrace the Pumpkin! 

While Pumpkin Spice Lattes may be polarizing, and pumpkin spice scented trash bags are just excessive (yes, this is a real product), embracing the wonderful produce that is in season is a great way to celebrate fall and eat more sustainably. Eating seasonally means that your food can be grown more locally, reducing the carbon footprint of your food and supporting local farmers. Along with pumpkins, winter squash, apples, turnips, chili peppers, and beets are just some of the wonderful tastes of the season that you can get right now! Check out this resource to look up what is in season any time of year and location. 

Don’t let your waste get spooky  

Halloween is one of the most fun parts of the season, however it can be a huge producer of waste. In the US over 100 million lbs of textile waste is produced from discarded costumes, and each trick or treater produces an average 1lb of waste. Avoid this scary situation by repurposing things you own for a costume, utilizing a thrift store, and considering recycling agencies like Terracycle for candy wrappers. You can also make sure to compost your Jack-O-Lantern when you are done with it! 

October is Energy Efficiency Month 

Along with being our spookiest month, October is also National Energy Efficiency Month! With the weather starting to get chilly and many of us turning on our heat for the first time, it is the perfect opportunity to see how your home can be more energy efficient. Weatherization and air-sealing can make your house less drafty and save you money on your utility bills, and switching to more efficient heating systems like heat pumps can keep you cozy all winter long. Find out how to make your home or business more energy efficient with an Energy Assessment or Walk Through by contacting our wonderful energy coaches

Get in on the action 

As it becomes too cold to bike and hike but not quite time to ski, it can be a bit of a boring shoulder season. However, there are many community sustainability events to stay busy this fall! Come to the Sustainable Film Series starting on November 7th, a Nature Walk at our Avon Tang campus, or a Community Recycling Tour. You can also check out the awesome line up of talks from the Vail Symposium during their Environmental Awareness series. Embrace our wonderful community, learn, and have fun at any of these great events! 

We all know this season won’t last long, so make the most of it and protect our falls to come. Take this season to slow down, enjoy, and “fall” into sustainability! 

Elizabeth Baer is the Sustainability Fellow at Walking Mountains Science Center