Walking Mountains Sustainability Blog

What is a Renewable Energy Certificate?

Written by Kimberly Schlaepfer | Jul 16, 2018 5:22:05 PM

A renewable energy certificate is created when 1 megawatt hour of energy is produced through wind, solar, or another renewable source. Because all energy generated, renewable or not, goes into the same grid, we are delivered a mix of clean and dirty energy to our homes and businesses. Renewable energy certificates are the way homes and businesses can claim that they have paid for energy produced from renewable sources!

Holy Cross Energy, our local electric utility provider, offers its customers a chance to purchase RECs to claim renewable energy generation on their energy bill.

The next two videos are similar in nature, but offer a very simple way of understanding renewable energy is bought and sold in our utility market.


This video provides a clear picture of the importance of renewable energy certificates, and has a great visualization of energy moving through the grid.


This video includes a great discussion on the importance and tie between environmental benefits and renewable energy.