La ubicación de Edwards del The Community Market, banco de alimentos operado esencial y primordial para este valle gracias a Eagle Valley Community Foundation, se muda a su nueva ubicación en Northstar Plaza.
Este banco de alimentos lleva años operando como pilar en nuestra comunidad en momentos difíciles. Todos conocen de gran ayuda que es este banco alimentario y como su nuevo local con mayor accesibilidad a la comunidad, les permitirán continuar impactando a la comunidad. El mercado abrirá su nuevo local el Martes, 21 de Diciembre con sus nuevo horario Martes y Jueves de 1:00pm - 6:00pm y los Sábados de 10:00am - 2:00pm estarán ofreciendo sus servicios como costumbre. Su nueva ubicación está en el corazón de Northstar Plaza en Edwards, ahora propiedad de Vail Heal. Centro donde se convertirá en un muy necesitado centro de recursos comunitarios y de salud conductual.
EVOM se une a la celebración de su nuevo local este Martes, 21 de Diciembre. Estaremos como costumbre promocionando nuestras actividades al aire libre bilingües, gratis y para todas las edades como parte de nuestro compromiso para continuar proveyéndoles recursos importantes para nuestra comunidad. Para este Martes, 21 de Diciembre a partir de las 1:00pm por la nueva localización de The Community Market en 429 Edwards Access Road, Suite #A202 para buscar alimentos, información sobre eventos al aire libre y mucho más. 
No pase necesidades en estas navidades. Pase sin miedo si necesita visitar el banco de comida. Como parte de esta comunidad tan unida, tuve el privilegio de ser parte de su equipo de trabajo durante el inicio de la pandemia. Fui el coordinador durante 8 meses en la vieja ubicación y son excelentes personas buscando ayudar a la comunidad a lograr obtener cubiertas muchas necesidades básicas que todos hemos tenido que pasar. Ya sea que no le dio el presupuesto en el invierno, tuvo que gastar todo su cheque arreglando su coche, aumentaron la renta, perdió su trabajo, etc. The Community Market tiene las ayudas para ti y para tu familia. 
Josue Gonzalez Velez es el Coordinador Bilingüe de Walking Mountains Science Center.
Edwards' The Community Market location, has been an essential and crucial food bank operated for this valley thanks to the Eagle Valley Community Foundation, is moving to its new location in Northstar Plaza.
This food bank has been operating for years as a pillar in our community in difficult times. Everyone knows of great help that this food bank is and as their new location with greater accessibility to the community, they will allow them to continue impacting the community. The market will open its new location on Tuesday, December 21 with its new hours Tuesday and Thursday from 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm and on Saturdays from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm they will be offering their services as usual. Its new location is in the heart of Northstar Plaza in Edwards, now owned by Vail Heal. Center where it will become a much needed behavioral health and community resource center.
EVOM joins the celebration of its new location this Tuesday, December 21st. We will be promoting our free, bilingual outdoor activities for all ages as part of our commitment to continue providing important resources for our community. For this Tuesday, December 21 from 1:00 pm by the new location of The Community Market at 429 Edwards Access Road, Suite # A202 to search for food, information on outdoor events and much more. 
Do not have needs this Christmas. Stop by without fear if you need to visit the food bank. As part of this tight-knit community, I had the privilege of being part of your team during the onset of the pandemic. I was the coordinator for 8 months in the old location and they are excellent people looking to help the community to get covered many basic needs that we have all had to go through. Whether it was he did not budget for the winter, he had to spend his entire paycheck fixing his car, they raised his rent, he lost his job, etc. The Community Market has the help for you and your family. Merry Christmas!
Josue Gonzalez Velez is the Bilingual Coordinator for the Walking Mountains Science Center.