Walking Mountains Sustainability Blog

Stay Warm & Save Money This Winter

Written by Will Barror | Feb 20, 2024 3:58:00 PM

Feeling colder than normal? Heating bills going through the roof? Aside from lighting the couch on fire, are you struggling to keep your house warm? Well you’re in luck! Walking Mountains and Energy Smart Colorado have announced energy efficiency, weatherization, and electrification rebates that will keep you warm and save you money all year long.

Before we get into the financial nitty-gritty, let’s talk electrification, energy efficiency, and weatherization. Why do we electrify? Simply put: the electric grid is being powered by more and more renewable sources, while natural gas and propane are not. Right now, close to 90% of the electricity provided by Holy Cross Energy comes from renewable sources like wind and solar. Meanwhile, gas appliances in the United States emit 25 million tons of carbon annually (that’s equivalent to driving over 58 billion miles!) and cause children to be 42% more likely to develop asthma symptoms

So we know that electrification is good for the planet, but before we start electrifying everything willy-nilly, homes must become energy efficient and properly weatherized. To avoid unnecessarily wasting electricity, the first step is to purchase energy efficient appliances and properly insulate your home. Look for Energy Star certified products and consider air sealing your home to plug any leaks that could let cold air in. 

Now that you’ve decided to electrify, are purchasing energy efficient appliances, and are making a list of every draft in your home, it’s time to talk about rebates! This year, Walking Mountains and Energy Smart Colorado rebates max out at $1,000 annually (up to 25% of project cost). There are myriad rebates available for electrification, energy efficiency, and weatherization, including: duct and air sealing, heat pumps, induction stoves, insulated cellular window shades, pool/spa pumps, and programmable thermostats. Check out the full list of rebates on the Walking Mountains website and connect with an Energy Coach to get started. 

Energy efficiency rebates are also available for your business, multifamily complex, or nonprofit! After a free energy walkthrough, Walking Mountains will rebate up to $7,500 per year, up to 25% of project costs (or up to 50% if you’re a nonprofit). Rebates for businesses include everything listed for residential projects and LED lighting, lighting controls, economizers, retro-commissioning, re-commissioning, and commercial ASHRAE Level 2 or 3 audits. 

In addition to Walking Mountains rebates, Holy Cross Energy and Xcel Energy also offer rebates. Holy Cross members and businesses can receive up to $7,500 per year, while Xcel customers can receive numerous rebates for their home or business

This winter, after you’ve covered yourself in four blankets, made a cup of hot chocolate, and started praying for warmer weather, take a moment to look into all the rebates available that will keep your home warmer, more energy efficient, and save you money. By the time next winter rolls around, you’ll be glad you did! 

Will Barror is the Climate Action Collaborative Coordinator at Walking Mountains. The Climate Action Collaborative is working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Eagle County 50% by 2030 and 80% by 2050.