Have you ever wondered how something works or how something was made? In the monthly Science Behind series, we partner with a guest presenter to explore a large variety of interesting topics. The Science Behind series offers opportunities for adults to apply new knowledge and skills to everyday life, while having fun!
** This Science Behind event took place in August, 2014 **
The Science Behind Worm Composting, Vermicompost & Decomposition
Wondering about worms? Join Walking Mountains Science Center for the Science Behind Worm Composting on Wednesday, August 13, 2014 at 6:30 PM to find out about what the fuss is all about. You will learn that worm composting is not just a fad; it’s an important and effective way to reduce food waste, live sustainably, and get an easy dose of dirt, year-round.
At this worm composting workshop, participants will make their own worm bins, populated with earthworms, to start composting at home right away. In addition, participants will learn about the science behind decomposition, and the importance of decomposers in natural ecosystems.
Why you should begin worm composting? 
- About 25% of all food in the U.S. is wasted. Composting helps divert food waste away from the landfill.
- Worms eat half their body weight in a single day, providing an extremely efficient way to break recycle our food!
- Worm compost is an excellent fertilizer or mulch for indoor and outdoor plants.
- Worm bins can be kept indoors, making it easy to compost year-round and in bear country.
- Worm bins are simple and easy to manage, as long as their caretakers understand the needs of the worms.
In addition, worm composting gives us an easy opportunity to connect to nature on a daily basis. Studies have found that people who garden and dig around in soil gain the health benefits of reduced stress and a lower risk of heart disease. So come to Walking Mountains on Wednesday to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty!
Space and materials are limited, participants must RSVP to Walking Mountains at (970) 827-9725. Adults, $20.